Lovely to be asked by composer Colin Riley to remix a track from his album In Place. I picked Lost Engines, which is a celebration of our industrial heritage. It is built around a folk song called The Old Miner and I cheekily added a few extra things (drums & violins) to create a big anthemic feel. Have a listen …

Due to social distancing and self-isolation, our sense of place has taken a hit in recent weeks. But living in isolation has also started to make us all think differently, not just about the fragilities of our world but also about our need to be connected to it, and to each other. Normality may be something we don’t return to, or even wish to return to, and there is a growing sense that so many things might realign in the future.

With this in mind I’ve started Re-Place, a set of remixes of the songs from my 2018 project In Place and a chance to form a community of online creativity during this strange period we all find ourselves in. Nothing too serious. The idea is very much that any of the shared elements of the original audio can get mashed up into a new alignment. No rules. No expectations. A straight-forward celebration of our connectedness.

The remixes will be uploaded as they get created. Enjoy.

Colin Riley (Artistic Director, Re-Place)

In Place is a gathering together of feelings, associations, geographical details,
 regional identities, dialects, place names, personal memories, imagined routes, and historical connections featuring words by writers including Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris, Richard Skelton and Autumn Richardson. For more info about this fascinating project visit Colin’s website.

All the remixes can be found on Soundcloud